Hi, I’m Sam.

I help organisations get more streamlined in their sales + operations.

I recently got my podcasting business to run with 1-2 hours/ week of my time and now help others get to something similar.

I’m based in Copenhagen and work 9-3.30pm CET so that I can drop off/ pick up my daughter from nursery most days.

Below are examples of projects I have implemented and more details on the types of people/ companies I am a good fit for.

Me + my daughter

Me + my daughter

Why do I do this type of work?

My starting point is that there’s more to life than work.

I find that most people work more hours than they need to, often as a result of needing to be “on” all of the time because things can’t function in their absence.

Having streamlined operations, clear accountability, and smooth communication in an organisation means people can focus on doing their best work (knowing that others will be too) and then close their laptop in good conscience to do other things that are important to them.

An example of this for me (explained in this podcast episode from 18:40) was being able to take 3+ months paternity leave:


Streamlined sales + operations examples

Each organisation has different capabilities, tools and priorities, and so I shy away from being too prescriptive on what projects should be done when working with a client.

That said, it can be helpful to share examples of where I’ve helped streamline something in an organisation to spark some ideas.

Click into each of the panels to read more, and see screenshots/ screenshares on what this could look like.

Streamlined project examples